a Summer in Our City Parks - Belair Edison Neighborhoods Inc. (BENI)

Summer in Our City Parks

Summer in Our City Parks

The arrival of summer means looking for activities to engage kids, getting outdoors and finding quality experiences to get together with friends and family. Within Belair-Edison there are always plenty of options offered right in our backyard. Friends of Herring Run Park, Belair-Edison Neighborhood Inc (BENI), and Enoch Pratt have geared up with monthly activities to welcome city residents far and wide.

Every Friday starting July 13, BENI will be offering free, family-friendly movies in the park with popcorn and Sugar Shack Snowballs.

The Great American Backyard Campout was recently rained out and will be looking to reschedule. The evening welcomes families from all over to kick back and relax. It’s a great introduction to camping for beginners and an easy camping experience for serious campers. Check Friends of Herring Run Park’s Facebook page for the new date.

Another great way to get immersed in Herring Run Park is to participate in the monthly bird walk. For those who want to learn about bird watching and learn what birds share our neighborhood, Friends of Herring Run Parks hosts these free early morning walks every month.

Looking for a sports camp? There’s still time to sign up. Friends at Herring Run Park have partnered with the Volo City Kids Foundation to offer free kids flag football league on Tuesday evenings from June 16th – July 28th. Each week 75 minutes of play is followed by free food and drink donated by local businesses within the community. Volo City Kids Foundation provides a structured six-week program with volunteer coaches and referees that is supervised and fun for kids.

Residents can also enjoy Spring Hall in Herring Run Park again after being closed last year due to gas line work. New improvements include a picnic area, park benches and trash cans that give Spring Hall a fresh look. The playground and basketball courts are also open and ready to welcome kids on summer break.

If you need to get indoors to beat that summer heat Enoch Pratt Herring Run Branch offers weekly activities like Step and Dance classes and classes for toddler and preschool age kids. View the complete list and details here.

Whatever your preference is Belair-Edison offers a robust amount of opportunities to get outdoors and play in our parks! Continue to check the Belair-Edison social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) as more events and programs get announced throughout the summer.