01 Apr Light City Festivities Come to Belair-Edison
Neighborhood Light City Performance & Party
Light History Performance Along the Path of Herring Run and Party at Oliver Brewery Company
Zymurgy: Belair-Edison, It’s Lit!
Processional began on Belair Road through the park with the Frederick Douglass Marching Band and ends at Oliver Brewing Company.
Performers include: Kariz Marcel Blackwater, DJ Eze Jackson, DJ Adbu, the Baltimore City Community College Jazz Band and Baltimore Hoop Love.
Belair-Edison is pleased to be selected as one of only 14 Baltimore City neighborhoods to participate in the third annual Light City Neighborhood Lights celebration. We have created a series of events in the community around this illuminated art event, with many ways to show your neighborhood pride, volunteer and have fun – all are welcome!
Neighborhood Lights
Light City’s immersive community artist-in-residence program, kicked off April 6-8, 2018 and expanded from eight to fourteen neighborhoods this year, throughout the city. Baltimore-based artist, Ada Pinkston, received a grant to create an illuminated visual art project within the neighborhood of her residency – right here in Northeast Baltimore City!
We kicked things off with our Community Storytelling Days, followed by the light installation, performances and a party. Details below on each stage of the celebration.
Community Storytelling Days
Zymurgy: Belair-Edison, Words and Sounds
The Community Storytelling Days have already taken place, but you can still participate by calling in and leaving your story on voice mail! More information here. The culmination of these stories will be the main feature of the final Light History installation.
If you could share a story with your neighbor on the other side of town, what would you say? That is the premise behind Zymurgy: Belair-Edison Light History, What We Forgot Along The Way. Many people joined in and shared their stories about the past, present and future of Belair-Edison at the workshops in February.
We featured a night of performance art, storytelling, and music to celebrate the oral stories collected during the workshops. You can listen to these stories at Baltimore Zymurgy website anytime.
Light History Installation
The Light History installation took place March 24th and March 31st (see details below).
Installed in Herring Run Park along the trail. The concept is seven greenhouses that will house one speaker each. Each speaker will play audio from the Community Storytelling Days and perform within the lighted greenhouse. The greenhouses will then be re-purposed after Neighborhood Lights to be used within the community.
The installation took place
March 24th and March 31st and can be seen
Beginning at the corner of Belair Road and Chesterfield Avenue, by the Belair-Edison community sign. If interested in volunteering, please see link below.
Artist Ada Pinkston
Ada Pinkston is a multimedia artist, educator, and organizer living and working in Baltimore, Maryland. Born in New York, her art explores the intersection of imagined histories and sociopolitical realities on our bodies using monoprint, performance, experimental video, and collage techniques. Inter-subjective exchange is also the primary substrate of her work. Her work has been featured in the Transmodern Performance Festival, P.S.1, The New Museum, Light City and the streets of Berlin. A recipient of a Mississippi State Arts Council Grant, Blaunstein Scholarship, and Michael Mazur Printmaking Scholarship, her most recent collaborative project includes founding the LabBodies Performance Art Laboratory in Baltimore, Maryland.
Light City is a FREE festival that transforms Baltimore with large-scale light installations, performances, music and innovation. View city-wide event details here.