15 Nov Belair-Edison Neighborhood Launches Brand Makeover
$675,000 in investments results in new logo, website and marketing campaign designed to spur community growth and development. The new marketing initiative focuses on the unique attractions of the neighborhood as a successfully designated Main Street and Healthy Neighborhood community, focusing on residents and small businesses.
Belair-Edison Neighborhoods, Inc. (BENI) unveiled the new initiative at a launch event on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the new Oliver Brewery and Tasting Room.
“We’re excited to show the region the many treasures of Belair-Edison and are thrilled with the recent significant investments in the community,” said Johnette Richardson, Executive Director, Belair-Edison Neighborhoods Inc. “This campaign will help us tell the complete story of the community as we continue to attract new residents, businesses and partnerships to the neighborhood.”
Belair-Edison features the most accessible green-space of most any Baltimore City community, with the adjacent 300-acre Herring Run and Clifton Parks – offering a diverse, welcoming and family-friendly neighborhood experience. With its picturesque front-porch rowhomes and premier location, just a 15-minute commute to downtown and minutes to major highways, Belair-Edison is a growing neighborhood of choice.
A vibrant designated Main Street district, the area is steeped in tradition where breweries were once the main industry during the mid-1800s. The neighborhood recently welcomed the return of brewing with the opening of Oliver Brewery’s manufacturing headquarters and tasting room.
“The Belair-Edison neighborhood is vital to the overall health and future of our City,” said Gerard Joab, Executive Director, St Ambrose Housing Aid Center, “and we are proud to be part of the renaissance of this community through the renovation and sale of 190 homes since 2000 and delivering regional and national resources to support community development priorities.”
Through a partnership with St. Ambrose Housing, BENI received an unprecedented $500,000 investment in 2015 for neighborhood revitalization efforts and marketing through NeighborWorks America. St. Ambrose was one of only 11 NeighborWorks network organizations in the U.S. to be awarded funding through their Catalytic Grant Program. In addition, BENI will be announcing additional funding of $175,000 from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative for the Belair-Edison Main Street and Green Sustainability Initiative at the event.
“The Catalytic Grant Program was created in 2015 to “turbocharge” our work to help transform distressed communities into vibrant, healthy places where residents can thrive,” stated Paul Singh, Director, Community Stabilization for NeighborWorks America, “and we are very impressed with the accomplishments realized in Belair-Edison in partnership with St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center.”